Just-In-Time Learning
Just-In-Time Learning is a method of acquiring knowledge or skills exactly when they are needed to perform a task or solve a problem. This approach focuses on delivering relevant, bite-sized information at the moment of need, ensuring efficiency and minimizing information overload. It is commonly used in workplace training, task management, and project execution, often supported by digital tools and software.
Just-In-Time Learning is a method of acquiring knowledge or skills exactly when they are needed to perform a task or solve a problem. This approach focuses on delivering relevant, bite-sized information at the moment of need, ensuring efficiency and minimizing information overload. It is commonly used in workplace training, task management, and project execution, often supported by digital tools and software.
Just-In-Time Learning is a method of acquiring knowledge or skills exactly when they are needed to perform a task or solve a problem. This approach focuses on delivering relevant, bite-sized information at the moment of need, ensuring efficiency and minimizing information overload. It is commonly used in workplace training, task management, and project execution, often supported by digital tools and software.
Just-In-Time Learning is a method of acquiring knowledge or skills exactly when they are needed to perform a task or solve a problem. This approach focuses on delivering relevant, bite-sized information at the moment of need, ensuring efficiency and minimizing information overload. It is commonly used in workplace training, task management, and project execution, often supported by digital tools and software.